in:Powers, Manipulations, Vibration-Based Powers
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- History
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The power to use vibrations. Sub-power of Physics Manipulation.
- 1 Also Called
- 2 Capabilities
- 3 Applications
- 4 Techniques
- 5 Variations
- 6 Associations
- 7 Limitations
- 8 Known Users
- 9 Known Objects
- 10 Known Powers/Techniques
- 11 Gallery
- 12 Videos
Also Called[]
- Earthquake/Quake/Tremor Manipulation
- Oscillation Manipulation
- Vibrokinetic Manipulation
- Quakekinesis/Tremorkinesis/Temblorkinesis/Vibrokinesis
- Phonon Manipulation/Control
Users can create, shape, move, control, interact and manipulate vibrations. A mechanical phenomenon whereby oscillations occur about an equilibrium point. Thus, they can manipulate vibrations in themselves, others, objects, plasmas, gases, liquids, solids, energy, the environment/surroundings, etc., Vibration is a very overarching concept and phenomenon that affects everything on a physical level, including sound, temperature and shockwaves, allowing users to exert their power over them, this ability can be quite limitless.
They would also be able to use vibrations to increase their own senses and condition, most commonly augmenting their combative output. For example, users would be able to cause massive physical damage through dramatically increasing small vibrations to seismic tremors, which can range from tearing down buildings to pulverizing continents. Contrary to popular belief, vibrations do not necessarily have to exist within noticeable tremors of matter, thus it plays an important role in quantum physics. Its role was interpreted as this; "everything is energy". And the frequency that energy vibrates at determines the form and properties of that energy. That being said, mastery of this ability will allow the user to utilize the frequency of vibrations that exist within the particles that form reality. This ability is not to be confused with the manipulation of shockwaves. Those knowledgeable about the use of cymatic sound are one of the many advanced users of this ability.
- All Sound-Based Powers (All Sound originates from Vibrations.)
- All Music-Based Abilities
- Accelerated Vibration
- Concussive Force
- Cymatics Manipulation (Cymatics is the study of vibrations in matter. Everything is energy.)
- Earthquake Generation ( By vibrating the earth)
- Healing (in all aspects; by taping into vibrational frequencies of oneself or others.)
- Intangibility (by vibrating their molecules.)
- Matter Manipulation (by controlling the vibrations that flow throughout and shape all forms of matter.)
- Molecular Manipulation ( By tapping into and manipulating their vibrations, because all molecules and the atoms that make up those molecules vibrate at their own frequencies.)
- Molecular Speed Manipulation
- Omni-Atomic Manipulation (by controlling the vibrations that flow throughout and shape all forms/sizes of matter. From Cosmic to Quantum)
- Omni-Elemental Manipulation (By shaping the vibrating molecules and/or atoms and/or particles of each element.)
- Classical Element Manipulation
- Periodic Element Manipulation
- Omni-Energy Manipulation (All forms of energy vibrates at different frequencies.)
- Energy Signature Alternation (By manipulating the vibrational frequencies that all different forms of energy vibrate at.)
- Particle Manipulation (All particles vibrate at there own frequencies.)
- Quantum Manipulation ( Vibrations play a fundamental role in Quantum Mechanics.)
- Quantum String Manipulation (Everything is held together by quantum vibrating strings.)
- Shockwave Manipulation
- Thermal Manipulation ( By increasing or decreasing vibrations)
- Vector Manipulation ( By using vibrations to manipulate which direction something goes, and the magnitude of how far it goes there.)
- Vibration Absorption
- Vibration Artillery
- Vibration Attacks
- Vibration Defiance
- Vibration Detection
- Seismic Sense
- Vibration Emission
- Vibration Empowerment
- Vibration Immunity
- Vibration Negation
- Vibration Power Link
- Vibration Solidification
- Vibration Weaponry
- Vibrokinetically Enhanced Speed
- Vibrokinetic Constructs
- Vibro-Telekinesis
- Matter Surfing using vibrations.
- Vibrokinetic Flight
- Absolute Wave Manipulation (All wave types are sourced by vibrations; and all waves are vibrations carrying energy)
- Counter Vibration
- Sharpness Manipulation; through vibration channeling.
- Transonic Resonance
- Vibration Aura
- Vibration Empowerment
- Vibrokinetic Combat
- Vibrokinetic Constructs
- Vibration Mimicry
- Vibrational Healing
- Bodily Vibration Manipulation
- Personal Particle Vibration
- Psychic Vibration Manipulation
- Vibration Magic
- Vibroweapon Manipulation
- Vibration Infusion
- Sound Manipulation
- Airwave Manipulation
- Frequency Manipulation
- Omnipotence/Indeterminacy/Nigh-Omnipotence (Varies)
- Phenomenon Manipulation
- Pulse Manipulation
- Vibration Arts
- Wave Manipulation
- Seismic Energy Immunity
- May not be immune to the vibrations.
Known Users[]
- Subterra Bakugan (Bakugan Battle Brawlers)
- Walter Shreeve/Shriek (Batman Beyond)
- Panzer Kunst Users (Battle Angel Alita)
- Henry Liman (Beauchamp Family Series); via his laugh
- Fourarms (Ben 10)
- Ultimate Kevin (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien)
- Flame Libra (Beyblade Metal Saga)
- Tenpouin Yuuki (Code:Breaker)
- Ghostly Wail Users (Danny Phantom)
- Users of Speed Force (DC Comics)
- Superman (DC Comics)
- Quake Kid (DC Comics)
- Vibe (DC Comics)
- Mole Face (Denma); via Shockwave Quanx ability
- Abigail (Denma); via Acceleration Quanx ability
- Arale Norimaki (Dr. Slump)
- Many warriors (Dragon Ball)
- T-Bone (Extreme Dinosaurs)
- Loz (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children)
- Sumire (Fire Force)
- Circe (Generator Rex)
- Incognito (Hellsing 2003)
- Mr. Shaw (Heroes)
- Mr. Taylor (Heroes)
- Repairman (Heroes)
- Samuel Sullivan (Heroes)
- Doc Seismic (Image Comics)
- Cole MacGrath (inFamous Series); via Thunder Drop
- Reaper Conduits (inFamous)
- Xehanort's Guardian (Kingdom Hearts)
- Experiment 513 "Richter" (Lilo and Stitch)
- Frak (LEGO Ninjago: Dragons Rising)
- Kamen Rider Vail (Kamen Rider Revice)
- Remy LeBeau/Gambit (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Shocker (Marvel Comics); via Vibro-Shock Units
- Avalanche (Marvel Comics)
- ArcLight (Marvel Comics)
- Klaw (Marvel Comics)
- Black Bolt (Marvel Comics)
- Shatterstar (Marvel Comics)
- Vibraxas (Marvel Comics)
- Dazzler (Marvel Comics)
- Quake (Marvel Comics)
- Rictor (Marvel Comics)
- Angel Salvadore (Marvel Comics); via wings
- Gorgon the Inhuman (Marvel Comics)
- Vibro (Marvel Comics)
- Fault Zone (Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects)
- Daisy "Quake" Johnson (Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
- Shara Ishvalda (Monster Hunter World: Iceborne)
- Jax Briggs (Mortal Kombat)
- Nejire Hado (My Hero Academia)
- Yo Shindo (My Hero Academia)
- Zaku Abumi (Naruto)
- Hasshoken Users (One Piece)
- Edward Newgate/Whitebeard (One Piece); via Gura Gura no Mi
- Marshall D. TeachBlacjbeard (One Piece); via Gura Gura no Mi
- Puri Puri Prisoner (One-Punch Man); via Vibration ☆ Angel
- Pokémon capable of learning "Sonic Boom", "Earthquake" or "Magnitude" (Pokémon)
- Alex Mercer (Prototype)
- James Heller (Prototype 2)
- Sailor Uranus (Sailor Moon)
- Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon)
- Gravel (Sonic the Comic)
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Knuckles the Echidna (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Apohis (Stargate SG-1)
- Osiris (Stargate SG-1)
- Hathor (Stargate SG-1)
- Seth (Stargate SG-1)
- Klorel (Stargate SG-1)
- Crimson Viper (Street Fighter)
- Bowser (Super Mario)
- Raphael the Raven (Super Mario)
- Donkey Kong (Super Mario/Donkey Kong)
- Hun (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Orson Bailey (The 4400)
- Hypershock (The Incredibles)
- Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda)
- Viktor Hargreeves/The White Violin (The Umbrella Academy)
- Gregory Kennedy (The Young Guardians); via telekinesis
- Beelzebub (Record of Ragnarok)
- Robloxians (ROBLOX); via Earth Summoning Horn
- Connor Shepard/Concussion (Zoom)
- Ultraman Belial Atrocious (Ultraman series)
Known Objects[]
- Vibro-Shock Units (Marvel Comics)
- Tremor-Tremor Fruit/Gura Gura no Mi (One Piece)
Known Powers/Techniques[]
- Acceleration Quanx (Denma)
- Shockwave Quanx (Denma)
- Thunder Drop (inFAMOUS)
- Sonic Boom (Pokémon)
- Earthquake (Pokémon)
- Magnitude (Pokémon)
Vibe/Cisco Roman (Arrowverse)
Gypsy/Cynthia (Arrowverse)
Walter Shreeve/Shriek (Batman Beyond) can use his sound suit to emit sound vibrations to create earthquakes and other destructive properties by switching it settings ranging from simple sound to destructive properties.
Ultimate Kevin (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien) possesses Armodrillo and Ultimate Aggregor's earth eruption.
Marshall D. Teach/Blackbeard (One Piece) using his former captain's Devil Fruit's abilities after stealing them.
Kamen Rider Vail (Kamen Rider Revice) using his finisher "Vailing Impact" on a Gifftarian.
The Chinjao Family's (One Piece) using Hasshoken martial to control vibrations.
Avalanche (Marvel Comics)
Quake (Marvel Comics)
Daisy "Skye" Johnson (Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D) can manipulate vibrations to...
...push extremely heavy objects such as a plane...
...or break earth bindings...
...and manipulate them to create a barrier for protection.
Puri Puri Prisoner (One-Punch Man) realizes that he can store and release energy with his new ability, Vibration Angel: Descend.
Whitebeard vs Akainu-2
Flash uses The Speed Force and shows his true power to Brainiac - Luthor - Justice League Unlimited
Batman vs Shredder - Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-2
The Flash Episode 17 Clip How to Phase Through Walls
Flash runs through a truck!
The Flash 4x04 - Barry Phases Through A Floor
Flash VS Sonic (Wally West VS Archie Sonic) - DEATH BATTLE!
Flash VS Quicksilver (Marvel VS DC) - DEATH BATTLE!
Goku Black VS Reverse-Flash (Dragon Ball VS DC) - DEATH BATTLE!
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