should i watch Your name dubbed or subbed? (2024)

your name. Available on Manga Store


Aug 6, 2019 1:03 PM




Jul 2019


I usually watch anime dubbed and I've heard that Your name is one of the greatest anime movies of all time . So if i watch it dubbed and the dub is bad then i kind of ruin my experience with the movie. On the other hand I've never gotten fully emerged with an anime by watching it subbed( I have not seen a lot of subbed animes though) . I kind of want to start liking subbed anime because then there will be much more animes available.

Aug 6, 2019 1:13 PM




Dec 2007


depends on what you will say here:

User-NameAug 6, 2019 2:00 PM

should i watch Your name dubbed or subbed? (2)
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Aug 6, 2019 1:19 PM




Jul 2018


Your Name was the first anime I watched subbed (Coz I couldn't make myself wait for the dub release). I didn't find it difficult to immerse myself. The story captivates nonetheless. After re-watching it in sub a bunch of times, I finally watched it in dub and hated it. I don't know if my hate is because I got attached to the sub version or if the acting is truly better. I like to justify that it's the latter reason. I remember one particular scene when the MC is shouting in desperation and you can hear his voice shaking in the sub but the dub lacks such emotion. I'm not ruling out the possibility that I could be biased.

Aug 6, 2019 1:20 PM




May 2019


I prefer the sub version, but the dub is done well if you like to watch anime that way.

Aug 6, 2019 1:21 PM




May 2009


For what it's worth, I'd caution against setting your expectations too high. I haven't seen Your name., but I have felt that it's better to go into something without much in the way of any expectations and just let the storytelling carry you through, rather than expecting it to be good and then worrying that it might be not good enough.

User-Name said:
depends on what you will say here:


Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.

Aug 6, 2019 1:22 PM




Jun 2019


Some anime are better dubbed. Your Name isn't one of them. The dub is serviceable but the sub is just better.

Aug 6, 2019 1:41 PM




Jul 2014


Thread Moved from Anime Discussion

Take care of yourself

Aug 6, 2019 1:42 PM




May 2014


I'd say watch it dubbed since that's what you usually do. Your Name's dub was totally fine.

Aug 6, 2019 1:47 PM




Jun 2019


GlennMagusHarvey said:
For what it's worth, I'd caution against setting your expectations too high. I haven't seen Your name., but I have felt that it's better to go into something without much in the way of any expectations and just let the storytelling carry you through, rather than expecting it to be good and then worrying that it might be not good enough.

This. I've seen it once a few years ago. It's a good movie. The animation is beautiful. The story is mostly a strong and moving one, especially if you like sci-fi or supernatural and spiritual stuff. I rated it an 8. Yet I don't see it as this revolutionary tour de force it's hailed as which seems like partially grasping by some to place the director Shinkai in the role as the successor to an aging and retired Miyazaki - a role which, incidentally, he himself has spoken out as rejecting.

It's probably best not to expect any anime to be incredible as most will inevitably disappoint you in some way and the ones that you'll end up personally finding incredible might be far outside of the limelight. Or maybe that's more applicable to those of us with a slightly deviant palate. I don't know, but even the most widely-acclaimed films in existence don't have universal appeal.

Aug 6, 2019 2:01 PM




Dec 2007


GlennMagusHarvey said:
For what it's worth, I'd caution against setting your expectations too high. I haven't seen Your name., but I have felt that it's better to go into something without much in the way of any expectations and just let the storytelling carry you through, rather than expecting it to be good and then worrying that it might be not good enough.

User-Name said:
depends on what you will say here:


Fixed the link, and part of my comment is "why there's another thread about it when there's another"

should i watch Your name dubbed or subbed? (9)
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Aug 7, 2019 6:54 PM




Feb 2017


Sub and dub are both good and you'll equally be satisfied with either but I thought the sub did it better.

Aug 13, 2019 10:55 PM




May 2018


I honesty can’t believe there is actually so many people watching anime dub. Seriously, the Japanese VAs really have talent to make feel the emotions at the right time. English dub isn’t bad but still if you wanna watch anime, watch it with greatest quality. Now don’t bring me up the fact that “oh I can’t read subs because I can only focus on one thing.” Original>Copy Sub>Dub with Headphones>without headphones HD>144p Bootie>Boobies.

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should i watch Your name dubbed or subbed? (2024)
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